The Alumni Plaza will be located adjacent to the GHS music wing, football
field, track, and soccer field. Alumni Plaza will provide a:
• New community gathering place for students, families, and alumni
• Location to honor alumni and students
• Welcoming entrance to our fields
• Place to celebrate past achievements and build for the next century of success
$1,800,000: Open by Fall 2023 to celebrate GHS 100th Anniversary
Please Consider Supporting the Next Generation of Leaders
& Join us in Building for the Future
Platinum – $500,000
(Can be given over 5 years)
Special Recognition Opportunities
Please talk to an Alumni Plaza representative to learn more
Gold – $250,000
(Can be given over 5 years)
Special Recognition Opportunities
Please talk to an Alumni Plaza representative to learn more
Silver – $100,000
(Can be given over 5 years)
Special Recognition Opportunities
Please talk to an Alumni Plaza representative to learn more
Bronze – $50,000
(Can be given over 5 years)
Major Plaque Recognition
High Honor Roll – $25,000
(Can be given over 5 years)
Unique Plaque Recognition
Tree – $15,000
(Can be given over 5 years)
Recognition Plate
Redhawk Bench or Picnic Table- $10,000
(Can be given over 5 years)
Recognition Plate
Honor Roll – $5,000
Special Plaque Recognition
Captain’s Award- $1,000
Plaque Recognition
Pavers – $500 or $250
(Up to 3 lines, up to 16 letters and spaces per line)
8×8 Paver – $500 / 4×8 Paver – $250
There is no deadline for pavers and bricks.
Installation will occur at different times of the year.
Recognition Notes:
• Graduating classes, athletic teams, music or arts organizations may raise funds collectively. Those that raise over $10,000 collectively will receive special plaque recognition
• Graduating classes, athletic teams, music or arts organizations may raise funds collectively. Those that raise over $100,000 collectively will receive special recognition opportunities, please talk to an Alumni Plaza representative to learn more